I look to further my music ministry with new CD projects and more concerts. Music to me is not about the fame or getting rich. What it has become for me is a way to spread a message of God's love and hope to all people.
In order to produce another CD and all the promotion that comes with it I have to raise $10,000 to pay for it. I am asking you to consider sponsoring me and helping me reach my goal. Your donation enables me to continue my incredible journey.
There are different donation levels and gifts for those donations. Please view the chart below for more information.
If you are interested in partnering with me on this project you can donate today.
Donor Level 1
Pledge $10.00 to $50.00
Free, signed CD
Donor Level 2
Pledge $50.00 to $150.00
Gift for level 1 plus name put on Donor Thank You inside CD jacket and two T-shirts.
Donor Level 3
Pledge $150.00 to $499.99
Gifts for levels 1-2 plus free ticket to a performance. Corporate donors receive link from my website to your company page and Gifts for levels 1-2
Donor Level 4
Pledge $500.00 to $2000.00
Gifts for levels 1-3 plus a free concert at the event of your choosing
I look to further my music ministry with new CD projects and more concerts. Music to me is not about the fame or getting rich. What it has become for me is a way to spread a message of God's love and hope to all people.
In order to produce another CD and all the promotion that comes with it I have to raise $10,000 to pay for it. I am asking you to consider sponsoring me and helping me reach my goal. Your donation enables me to continue my incredible journey.
There are different donation levels and gifts for those donations. Please view the chart below for more information.
If you are interested in partnering with me on this project you can donate today.
Donor Level 1
Pledge $10.00 to $50.00
Free, signed CD
Donor Level 2
Pledge $50.00 to $150.00
Gift for level 1 plus name put on Donor Thank You inside CD jacket and two T-shirts.
Donor Level 3
Pledge $150.00 to $499.99
Gifts for levels 1-2 plus free ticket to a performance. Corporate donors receive link from my website to your company page and Gifts for levels 1-2
Donor Level 4
Pledge $500.00 to $2000.00
Gifts for levels 1-3 plus a free concert at the event of your choosing